

If you are being sexually exploited or trafficked, call the Rescue America Hotline: 833-599-3733
If you are being abused, call the Florida DCF Hotline: 800-96-ABUSE

If you suspect human trafficking in the U.S., call 1-888-373-7888 or text “Help” to BEFREE

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Polaris works to reshape the systems that allow for sex and labor trafficking in North America and operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline

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Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking

The Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking is a nonprofit organization created by the Florida Legislature to provide funding, support and assistance to the statewide effort to end human trafficking.

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YouCanStopHT is a site developed by the Office of the Attorney General, Ashley Moody, as a tool to help learn how to spot human trafficking and how to report it.

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Shared Hope International

Shared Hope International is dedicated to bringing an end to sex trafficking through a three-pronged approach – prevent, restore, and bring justice.

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Critical 3 Video of NCJTC

A short video from the National Criminal Justice Training Center of Fox Valley Technical College entitled "Critical 3: 3 Things to Consider When Responding to Sextortion of Minors."

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Sextortion, the Hidden Pandemic Film

“Sextortion” documentary is an expose into the world of online grooming and sextortion of children- an increasingly growing threat in today’s digitally connected world.

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Magdalene's Quarterly Newsletter 

Stay up to date on all things Magdalene's. Follow the link below for our current quarterly edition.  

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Recognizing Human Trafficking (Article)

It’s Not Knowing the Signs – It’s Knowing the Story. We are learning to pay attention to people you actually know or interact with – your students, your tenants, your children, your patients, your co-workers. It is all about two magic words: Context and proximity. 

From Katie Fullmer, a proactive mom and Magdalene’s volunteer, regarding parental controls for devices.

Qustodio. It is a parental control app where you can see everything and manage everything from Google searches to limiting screen time, text messages and all content viewed by your children. It has geofencing to monitor their locations, key words or phrases that you may be concerned about such as searches or texts about drugs, sex, porn, alcohol, suicide, etc. There is a small monthly fee for all of the bells and whistles. Cell phones, tablets and computers and be monitored.
Bark. This app allows for similar monitoring and parental control, but it appears to be better suited for parents of younger children. 
Aura. This is a new app that includes Circle (the home monitoring system that we use to prevent the dark web from even entering our home devices by blocking them at the router). A Circle device we use (made by Disney) is a small cube device that works through the router to block and protect the home location like a VPN device. This enables parents to also shut down the system during evening hours, etc.

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